Petrochemicals & Solvents

Comprehensive Petrochemical & Solvent Solutions 

The Petrochemicals and Solvents industry still remains one of the most vibrant and competitive sectors of industrial application. It is naturally a competitive area where competitive pricing, comprehensive product range and, perhaps most importantly, an established producer network is vital.

Trithin Products’ core business is based on its historic links within this field of supply. Our excellent reputation, knowledge of the market and purchasing ability for base raw materials is the key to our ongoing success as a major petrochemical and solvent supplier since 1985. Products include:

  • Xylene
  • Toluene
  • Heptane / SBP’s
  • Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)
  • Isopropanol (IPA)
  • Acetone

In addition to offering a complete range of materials we have a unique position in offering clients an option of formulating and blending solvents and petrochemicals to specific requirements.

Both “straight” and “Blended” solvents are commonly used within a wide range of industries, including paint, automotive production, domestic cleaners, and tyre production and re-treading. Unlike many of our competitors, we are usually able to provide the extra benefit to our clients of a long-term fixed price structure for many of these products.